At a landmark TED salon last spring, economist Steven Levitt and author Malcolm Gladwell crossed swords over the real reason New York City crime dropped in the 90s. In The Tipping Point, Gladwell credited the innovative policing tactics adopted under NYC Mayor Giuliani (which focused on softer “lifestyle crimes,” like subway graffiti and zoning violations) for the reduced murder rate. At the salon — and in Freakonomics (which had just been published that week) — Levitt begged to differ. The hidden cause, he argued, was the legalization of abortion, which had prevented thousands of unwanted children from being born roughly 20 years earlier. (Levitt further argued that New York’s drop in violent crime was merely the leading edge of a nationwide trend, consistent with the timing of respective states’ abortion laws).

Who had the last word? Well that’s an open question … Nearly a year later, they’ve picked up the thread, trading persuasive posts on their respective blogs. Gladwell re-opened the discussion, Levitt and Dubner responded. And you can watch it progress from there …

Paris vs New YorkSometime ago I came across the above picture [1], and it instantly stuck me as a superb metaphor for ‘design thinking vs. traditional project management approaches’. Let me explain what I mean.

Recently, I spent 6 months in Paris. When you are walking on the streets of Paris and trying to go somewhere, you often have only a sense of orientation. You may even lose that sense of orientation off and on. But you keep moving. And then you suddenly get a glimpse of a famous monument or the Seine or a well-known boulevard or something you are familiar with. Once again, you become aware of which direction you should be heading. “3 blocks down South and 2 blocks East”, doesn’t work for Paris!

I think what you experience on the streets of Paris holds true for design thinking too. When you are working on a complex problem, you only have a vague sense of direction. But you keep moving and keep trying out things. At times, you come to those vexing roundabouts of several possibilities. On those occasions, you use your best judgement to pursue a certain possibility. You are also faced with incomplete information and/or ambiguous data, but you once again use your best judgement to move ahead. Sometimes you can come up with an explanation for, why you did what you did. On other occasions, you just have to say, what Blaise Pascal said – “The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing!”

Le Mont St. MichelIf you are from outside, it takes some time to get used to the ways of Paris and of design thinking. But once you get used to them, you start to fall in love with them. There is something charming about digressing to that unusually narrow cobbled stone street, and discovering a cosy brasserie. There is something charming about letting your mind loaf a bit, and then discovering a pattern in your research data or ending up with an out-of-box idea. There is something special about spontaneity.

Ernest Hemingway says in his memoir – “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast”. Shall we say, something similar holds true for design thinking as well? Once you have experienced design thinking, it becomes your second nature and you carry it to whatever you do…for the rest of your life.

What do you find beautiful about design thinking? Think about it as you listen to the playlist, flâneur parisien.

To stay tuned with me  Follow @nbhaskar888

[1] Picture credit: ‘Paris versus New York: The Complete Series of Two Cities’, by Vahram Muratyan

Adams says her father especially enjoyed the cream of mushroom soup; it was a new recipe she made for him: “I’ve always known the importance of food through bringing people together and nurturing them, but I also learned that food can be enormously healing. This was how I could say goodbye with love. I put all of myself into that soup.” She also shared that “through my father’s death, I learned so much about life.”

Joy is one of 20 well-known chefs whose personal stories of loss, along with favorite family recipes, are included in a new digital cookbook, “The Endless Table: Recipes from Departed Loved Ones.” The book also reminds readers how important it is to have conversations with family members about their end of life wishes. It even has a helpful guide to getting what is not an easy conversation started.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ellen Goodman, who co-edited the cookbook, is also co-founder of The Conversation Project, which works to encourage families to have these often difficult, but necessary discussions.

Goodman shared in a TED talk: “For some, talking about death is like letting it in the room. The end of life isn’t just a medical thing that happens, it’s a human experience. People aren’t dying the way they want to or having their wishes honored…so having a conversation like this is a gift you give your family.”

As another Boston chef, Jasper White, put it: “Love never dies. Neither do recipes, and it’s a wonderful way to remember someone.”

What family recipes mean a lot to you that you would like to share with us?

CNN, 4/18/16

The post The Endless Table: How recipes can keep your memories alive appeared first on The Good For You Network.

By Alex Parkinson, Associate Director, Society for New Communications Research of The Conference Board The Society for New Communications Research (SNCR) of The Conference Board (SNCR)—a 501(c)(3) research and education institution dedicated to the advanced study of how new and emerging communications tools and technologies (such as digital, social media, and mobile) are affecting business, […]

david-dufresneI recently had a great conversation with David Dufresne, CEO of Bandzoogle, an amazing company that probably a lot of you already use to build your websites. Bandzoogle is based in Quebec and have made a major impact on the independent music scene giving tools to musicians to help build their career.

In our conversation we discussed ways you can ensure visitors to your website are converting into fans and spending their time and money where you want them to, website dos and don’ts, apps and responsive websites as well as knowing your audience and who consumes your content. With David’s background as a venture capitalist he shares his unique perspective on this new music industry.

This episode was edited by Andy Warren of

Take a listen below!


Aaron Bethune.

Music Specialist. Creative Collaborator. Author. Musicpreneur.


Take a listen to the interview here.

By Katie Paine, Founder and CEO, Paine Publishing, and Advisory Board Member, Society for New Communications Research of The Conference Board “I can show a direct connection from this press release to company revenues,” said no communications professional ever. That’s right, I repeat… “Said no-one ever!” If you’re wondering “why not?” one reason is that […]


North Korean borderlands. Hotel rooms outfitted with binoculars to peer across the river at the forbidden land, spotty phone connections and a bridge partially destroyed by Korean War-era bombs, and smugglers of diamonds, watches and expensive face creams: This is the Chinese-North Korean border, a world of shifting identities and coded language. In the New Republic, Suki Kim traces its shadowy outlines as she makes her way to Dadong, a notoriously dangerous border city. In Dadong, she spends time with a group of smugglers, attempting to pierce the impenetrable logic of their world as she seeks a deeper understanding of North Korea that has always eluded her, “Whatever I sought to understand about North Korea was always beyond my grasp; the country’s inherent unknowability was a condition of its survival.” (Watch Suki’s TED Talk)

How your brain controls what you weigh. Losing weight is hard, and only a slim fraction of dieters are able to do so successfully. In the New York Times, Sandra Aamodt reveals the inherent flaw in dieting: the brain. The brain, she writes, has a host of tools that it uses to keep you within a certain weight range called your set point.  The brain’s natural responses not only make it difficult to lose weight and maintain it, but also make it more likely that you’ll end up gaining weight in the long run. But don’t give up! Sandra offers suggestions on what to do instead–within the limit of your brain’s natural responses, of course. (Watch Sandra’s TED Talk)

The second digital revolution. While the Internet has inarguably been revolutionary, it still faces significant challenges, like reliably verifying identity and conducting transactions online. But blockchain–the technology that powers bitcoin–promises to change all that, argue Don Tapscott and son Alex Tapscott in their new book Blockchain Revolution. The blockchain establishes what they call a “Trust Protocol” and the ability to record “virtually everything of value and importance to humankind,” without having to worry about security. It is, they suggest, the second generation of the digital revolution. (Watch Don’s TED Talk)

Don’t drag yourself to the polls, celebrate! US election seasons used to have parades, festivals and open-air debates — a joyful participation in civic life. Now, they’re mostly soundbites from a TV screen or 140-character inflammations. But it doesn’t have to be this way, says Eric Liu. With help from the Knight Foundation, Civic University, Liu’s nonprofit for powerful citizenship, is launching the Joy of Voting project. In four pilot cities across the country, it will partner with local organizations to get the community excited about voting this November. As Liu writes: “From parades and street theater, to civic engagement apps and university rivalries, this project will combine the old and the new to reinvigorate a culture of voting.” (Watch Eric’s TED Talk)

A hurdle to becoming who you are. Equality needs more than just social acceptance; it needs legal protections. In The Guardian, model and activist Geena Rocero writes that even though she and many other members of the transgender community were socially accepted in the Philippines, not being able to change her name and gender marker on important legal documents was a substantial hindrance — one that motivated her move to America. After moving to San Francisco and later to New York City to pursue a modeling career, she grappled with whether or not to reveal her transgender identity professionally. But after she came out ( at TED2014), she was inspired to tell the stories of others going through similar struggles. “There are still a lot of trans people’s stories that need to be told – the ones who never had the resources and support to emigrate to the United States.” (Watch her TED Talk)

The ultimate check and balance. In his first-ever longform article, Edward Snowden asserts the political and democratic necessity of whistleblowing  in The Intercept. Sitting with the knowledge of enormous, illegal wrongdoing, he says, is an excruciating moral compromise too many are forced to make. Citing heroic examples, such as the Pentagon Papers and Wikileaks, Snowden explains the uncomfortable differences between accepted and illegal whistleblowing. “What explains the distinction between the permissible and the impermissible disclosure? The answer is control. A leak is acceptable if it’s not seen as a threat, a challenge to the prerogatives of the institution.” Despite the enormous risks, he argues, whistleblowers like him act on this core driving principle: “We, the people, are ultimately the strongest and most reliable check on the power of government.” (Watch his TED Talk)

Give up more often. “Never give up” is a cornerstone of persistence and grit. But according to Tim Harford in The Financial Times, knowing when to give up is just as valuable. Using Daniel Kahneman’s (watch his TED Talk) and Amos Tversky’s “loss aversion” principle, Harford shows how our natural psychological dislike of losses over gains causes us to overlook the advantages of moving on and, ultimately, trying a better approach to the same problem. (Watch Tim’s TED Talk)

The unintended consequences of campus reform. At the end of 2015, students protesters across the United States approached campus administrators with demands for campus reform addressing racial concerns on campus. In the Wall Street Journal, using key tenets of psychology and scientific studies, Jonathan Haidt and Lee Jussim show how the proposed reforms may actually backfire, arguing that “they are likely to damage race relations and to make campus life more uncomfortable for everyone, particularly black students.” Instead, they call on universities to try a different approach than the one that has failed over the past several decades, a new approach based on available knowledge of what does and doesn’t work in order to create a campus where everyone feels welcome. (Watch Jonathan’s TED Talk)

When I first started my online radio show, “Magnificent Time,” my first goal was to share my message of empowerment with a broader audience. What I didn’t realize at the time is that the power of a podcast goes well beyond broadcasting. That’s why I was thrilled to welcome to…