VitaL means to be absolutely necessary and full of energy…
isn’t that what your brand must be?
Your brand is a living organism… that must breathe… be given air… be fed… nourished… renewed… replenished. It should never be tired, trite, redundant, irrelevant, or exhausted.
Brands are built in the brain… For your brand to stay relevant, it needs to “Be Vital and GROW with its Customers.”
And at VitaLincs that’s exactly what we help you do.

Your Brand Relevance and Revenue
Grows as long as it
Sustains Relevance
Why Does It Matter?
In an age where social and technology intersect, it is critical to be obsessed every moment of the day with what’s VitaL to shorten your path to sustained growth.
What is most important?… Essential?… Those powerful insights and inspirations will give your brand an unfair advantage as long as you maintain and proliferate them throughout your organization and value chain.
Look at the graveyard of brands and companies that have lost their way… now look at the few that stand out and continue to be positive examples year in and year out. See any commonalities? The ones who sustain:
- Know their Customers
- What they Value or Expect
- Deliver Consistently
Those that lose their way have broken down somewhere along those 3 paths.

Who Are Your Customers and What Is VitaL to Them?
Three all important questions:
Who, in terms of customers, is most VitaL to You?
What expectations do they or will they have of your brand?
What must you do to remain VitaL to them?
Try It For Yourself… and Then Let’s Talk!
We have a quick fun quiz that will help reveal some insights about your brand, your customers, and how you deliver in the course of 5 minutes…
Take a few minutes to try our Business Vitality Assessment. This will provide you with a “sample” of the lens we use to view your business.
Want a deeper sample of some breakthrough thinking and ideas? We should have a deeper discussion.. just link to “I Want to Grow with My Customers Today” and it will take you to a contact page for a complimentary 30-minute breakthrough session with Ed Faruolo or one of his VitaL Team members. This can be used for any brand or employee engagement question or issue.

As Our Relationship Grows…
You will see first hand how an ongoing relationship with VitaLincs will help you to remain VitaL to your customers…. you will have instantly relevant and actionable insights that continuously reveals:
What’s VitaL to your customers?
Why and how are you truly VitaL to them?
What is the ‘hidden thing’ you’re doing now that could be leveraged for exponential results? Without complication.
How do you integrate throughout your value chain?
Now what?
Time to dive deeper…. Through VitaLincs workshops, consulting and facilitated sessions you will build a foundation for exceptional growth opportunities and a superior and sustainable competitive position.
At VitaLincs we exist to help you
create something great with your brand.
Often, that Something GREAT is created by removing what makes it complicated in the first place!
Some VitaL Assistance…
VitaLincs exists to help companies identify what is vital,
activate it and leverage it for growth.
VitaLincs will illuminate your path in a manner that is clear, simple, engaging, insightful and even fun to keep you, your organization, and your company VITAL!…
Typically, we customize our approach to fit the needs of each particular client, and we also have a series of workshops that will engage your staff and harvest knowledge you didn’t even realize was there for the picking! Plus they’re great team builders for your employees too (we even have some neat stuff for kids).
Take advantage of…