5 talks for Women’s Equality Day

Today marks the 45th anniversary of Women’s Equality Day, which was designated in 1971 to celebrate the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote in 1920.

In commemoration of that milestone, and the miles we still have to go, here are five TEDTalks from past TEDWomen conferences about the state of women and equality in the United States today.

Hillary Clinton on widening the circle of opportunity for women and girls

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a surprise appearance at the first TEDWomen Conference in 2010. “The United States,” she said, “has made empowering women and girls a cornerstone of our foreign policy.” In the 16-minute talk above, she details why it’s of vital international importance that every girl in the world get a chance to pursue her hopes and dreams. (Recorded at TEDWomen, December 2010 in Washington, DC. Duration: 16:17, TEDBlog)


Madeleine Albright on being a woman and a diplomat

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright talks bluntly about politics and diplomacy, making the case that women’s issues deserve a place at the center of foreign policy. Far from being a “soft” issue, she says, women’s issues are often the very hardest ones, dealing directly with life and death. A frank and funny Q&A with Pat Mitchell from the Paley Center. (Recorded at TEDWomen, December 2010 in Washington, DC. Duration: 12:59, TED.com)


President Jimmy Carter on why he believes the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse in the world

With his signature resolve, former US President Jimmy Carter dives into three unexpected reasons why the mistreatment of women and girls continues in so many manifestations in so many parts of the world, both developed and developing. The final reason he gives? “In general, men don’t give a damn.” (Recorded at TEDWomen, May 2015 in San Francisco, CA. Duration: 16:36, TED.com)


Sheryl Sandberg on why we have too few women leaders in business

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions — and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite. (Recorded at TEDWomen, December 2010 in Washington, D.C. Duration: 14:58, TED.com)


Billie Jean King on paving the way for women to get paid in sports

Tennis legend Billie Jean King isn’t just a pioneer of women’s tennis — she’s a pioneer for women getting paid. In this freewheeling conversation, she talks about identity, the role of sports in social justice and the famous Battle of the Sexes match against Bobby Riggs. (Recorded at TEDWomen, May 2015 in San Francisco, CA. Duration: 16:05, TED.com)

This year’s TEDWomen conference will feature an entire session focusing on equality, with speakers including, among others, the co-founders of Black Lives Matter, Dr. Kimberlee Crenshaw and Brittany Cooper.

A few main theater passes are still available for TEDWomen 2016, to be held October 26-28 in San Francisco. Find out more about TEDWomen 2016: It’s About Time.

With much admiration for all the women who have come before us and fought for the equality women so richly deserve


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