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For the first time ever, the annual TED Conference in Vancouver will feature an entire session of Spanish-language TED Talks, a bit of programming we felt called for celebration: We’ll be making the live session available for free online at live.ted.com on Tuesday, April 25, from 2:15 pm to 4:00 pm PT.
Titled ¨Conexión y sentido¨, or “Connection and meaning,” the session will feature six speakers from a range of backgrounds and disciplines. They include artist Tomas Saraceno (Argentina/Germany); poet, musician and singer Jorge Drexler (Uruguay/Spain); former presidential candidate and peace activist Ingrid Betancourt (Colombia/France/UK); primatologist Isabel Behncke Izquierdo (Chile/US); physicist Gabriela Gonzalez (Argentina/US) and journalist Jorge Ramos (Mexico/US).
The session marks the official launch of TED en Español, a sweeping initiative from TED designed to build content and community in the Spanish-speaking world. The TED en Español team has already been hard at work laying the groundwork for a major effort, actively curating content in Spanish and beginning to share via dedicated Spanish-language channels, including:
- Weekly newsletter
- YouTube channel
- Facebook and Twitter accounts
- TED Talks with Spanish subtitles (TED en Español ribbon on TED.com coming soon)
- Dubbed TED-Ed lesson videos
…and more than 2,000 TED Talks with Spanish subtitles
TED-Ed Clubs are also underway in Spanish, and mobile users can now download a Spanish-language version of the TED mobile app for iOS and Android.
TED also has plans to bring in new partners to support TED en Español as well as develop distribution deals for the Spanish-language content. In the second half of 2017, we’ll be curating and producing a TED en Español speaker salon event at our NYC theater.
“Native Spanish speakers make up a massive piece of the TED global audience,” said Gerry Garbulsky, TED en Español Director. “By expanding our focus to other languages, we’ll both unearth new troves of ideas, as well as better equip ourselves to share them with a broader audience.”