These are astonishing days. Amid rapid-fire policy changes, America has grown even more divided; similar divisions are spreading across the world. Vitriolic rhetoric roars from all sides, and battle lines are hardening.
We aren’t listening to one another.
Is there space left for dialogue? For reason? For thoughtful persuasion?
We’re determined to find that space. This goes to the core of TED’s mission. We’re therefore launching a series of public events, TED Dialogues, that will focus on the burning questions of the moment; questions about security and fear, democracy and demagoguery, neo-nationalism and neo-globalism.
We’re not looking for more angry soundbites. We’re looking to pull the camera back a little and get a clearer understanding of what’s going on, where we are, how we got here—and how we must move forward. Our speakers will be invited to give short, powerful talks, followed by probing questions from both live and virtual audiences — including you. We will search for voices from many parts of the political landscape. And we will focus on the ideas that can best shed light, bring hope and inspire courageous action.
The events will be held at our theater in New York and streamed freely online. The first event will be Wednesday, February 15, at 1pm New York time, featuring the acclaimed historian and author Yuval Noah Harari. There will be further events on successive Wednesdays.
If you have specific speakers to recommend or topics to suggest, please submit them here. Please sign up for email notification of these events. Or join our Facebook community.
The need for ideas—and listening—has never mattered more.